7 Key Elements an Furniture Designer Must Keep in Mind – MIGE office furniture

MIGE Office Furniture

7 Key Elements an Furniture Designer Must Keep in Mind – MIGE office furniture

|August 12, 2018 | News

Successful furniture and interior design projects aren’t based China office furniture supplier purely on creativity, although that’s a very important part of it. There are some basic principles every design professional must keep in mind, which are the cornerstones of flawless interior spaces.

    1. Unity–Each of the interior spaces involved in a project should be linked, working together to create a harmonious whole. Of course, that doesn’t mean they should be exactly the same (boring!), but some unifying visual element needs to run through every room. Create a smooth transition with similar or complementary elements, so the overall effect isn’t random or disjointed.
    2. Balance– Whether your artistic style is all about structure or you conference desk prefer an organic “feel”, there has to be some balance in your design. Use one of three types of balance – symmetrical (mirrored/matching objects and elements), asymmetrical (dissimilar elements that share one or more common aspects), and radial/circular (a central element with others radiating outward).
    3. Rhythm– We’re programmed to look for recognizable elements within our visual range and react to them. Just like our ears respond to the beat of a song, an interior space seems more appealing if it has repetitive (similar colors, etc.), progressive (varying in size) or transitional (curves that lead the eye to another point) elements that create a sense of movement and flow.  
    4. Contrast– This is the placement of dissimilar or opposite elements close to one another. An interior designer can achieve an interesting contrast through elements like color, form and space. Try the classic combination of black and white for striking color contrast, round and square furniture for contrasting form, and pair negative (empty) with positive (filled) space forgreater visual impact.
    5. Emphasis– The best designers know how to capture and hold attention, and the most effective way to do this is by creating a focal point of interest. Pick an object, element or architectural aspect that you’d like to emphasize, and negotiation desk design the rest of the space around it. Common focal points include large fireplaces, sculptures, mosaics or paintings, furniture, etc.
    6. Scale & Proportion– This principle incorporates some aspects of balance, using objects that look like they fit or belong together. Balance the measurements and dimensions of the space as well as the elements you’re planning to use in it. For instance, do larger items dwarf smaller ones? Does the length of the walls clash with the height of the furniture?
    7. Details– Any design professional knows the impact that even the smallest details can make. The right finishing touches accentuate the style of a space, but they can also add some personality and life to it. Think of details (such as decorative trims, fittings, plants, etc.) as the olive in a martini. It’ll still taste nice without them, but not quite the same!
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